
为维州华人建造更好的社区空间  Main Image

09 November 2022



无论你来自哪里、相貌如何、信仰什么或说哪种语言,都没有关系 — 在维州,我们为我们的文化多样性感到自豪。





这将确保针对社区的升级项目 — 无论大小 — 可以在我们州的每个角落进行,为维州华人提供支持,无论他们住在哪里。

工党正在支持维州的多元文化社区 — 不仅仅是在口头上,而是在行动上。

自由党只会在选举年时关心多元文化社区 — 面对日益严重的极端主义和种族主义,你不能相信他们会与多元文化和多信仰社区站在一起。
只有工党会支持我们众多的多元文化社区并促进建立一个充满活力的多元文化社会 — 因为只有工党会关注民生办实事。

州长Daniel Andrews表示


“工党正在关注民生办实事 — 支持我们的多元文化和多信仰社区,并庆祝我们州拥有的文化多样性。”
多元文化事务部长Ros Spence表示



English version:


A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will deliver better spaces for multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria with a new fund to upgrade, renovate and build community facilities.

Victorians come from more than 200 countries, speak 260 languages and follow 135 different faiths. Nearly half of all Victorians were born overseas, or have a parent who was born overseas.

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what you look like, what you believe or what language you speak – in Victoria, we’re proud of our cultural diversity.

For many Victorians from multicultural and multifaith backgrounds, community groups offer important connections to their culture and heritage.

These groups deserve the best possible community spaces to celebrate and share their culture and traditions.
That’s why a re-elected Labor Government will deliver a $50 million investment to build, upgrade and renovate new community infrastructure for multicultural and multifaith communities.

This will include $10 million for a Chinese Community Infrastructure Program, helping to make this proud community even stronger.

Under the program, $2.5 million will be allocated towards the establishment of a community centre in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. The remaining $7.5 million will be allocated to a round of grants that will be open to the whole community.

This will ensure community upgrades – both large and small – can be delivered in every corner of our state, supporting Chinese Victorians, whereever they live.

Labor is backing Victoria’s multicultural communities – not just with words, but with action.

The Liberals only care about multicultural communities in an election year – you can’t trust them to stand with multicultural and multifaith communities in the face of rising extremism and racism.

Only Labor will support our many diverse communities and promote a vibrant multicultural society – because only Labor will do what matters.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews
“Every community deserves great spaces to come together to celebrate and share in culture and tradition. Our Chinese community is no different and this investment will make help sure Chinese Victorians remain strong and connected.” “Labor is doing what matters – supporting our multicultural and multifaith communities and celebrating diversity in our state.”