About Me

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I’m Paul Hamer – the State Labor Member for Box Hill.

I grew up in the Box Hill electorate, went to school in Burwood and have lived most of my life in the eastern suburbs.

I am married and have two young children.

Prior to being elected in 2018 I worked as an engineer and project manager in infrastructure planning roles in both the public and private sector.

Our incredible frontline healthcare workers have done an amazing job throughout the pandemic, during a time which has seen an unprecedented demand on our healthcare system. When the Andrews Labor Government came to power in 2014, it put an end to the war on our paramedics; ambulance response times went from the worst in our history to the best.

Now, through its Pandemic Repair Plan, the Andrews Government will invest over $12 billion to put patients first and ease the pressure on our hospitals and deliver the health services that our community needs. This includes:

  • An expansion of local elective surgery capacity by turning Bellbird Private Hospital in Blackburn into a dedicated public elective surgery centre;
  • A new Priority Primary Care Centre in Box Hill, operating seven days a week for up to 16 hours a day to provide urgent patient care;
  • 13,000 more nurses and midwives – and upskilling 8,500 nurses by making study and training free from 2023; and
  • More paramedics, more ambulances and more Triple Zero staff.

Labor has also announced that a re-elected Andrews Government will invest $1 billion in rebuilding Maroondah Hospital, creating 200 new beds along with 14 extra treatment spaces, a new emergency department and mental health hub. Like Box Hill Hospital, this hospital is part of the Eastern Health network and rebuilding Maroondah Hospital will provide a massive boost to meeting health needs across the eastern suburbs.

I believe only a Labor government can be relied upon to deliver on the jobs, health, education and infrastructure services that local families really depend on. Since being elected, I am proud to have delivered for the Box Hill community:

  • Over $45m invested in local school infrastructure in the last four years;
  • Major transport infrastructure investment through the removal of the level crossings at Union Road, Surrey Hills and Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert (to be delivered in 2023 – two years ahead of schedule);
  • Commencing work on the Suburban Rail Loop;
  • Secured funding to improved bus services between Box Hill and Deakin University, as well as increased frequency on routes 733 and 767; and
  • upgrading our community sporting facilities to meet the needs of our local clubs.

With cost-of-living pressures biting I am also proud to be part of a State Government that is helping local families make ends meet through supports such as:

  • The popular $250 Power Saving Bonus, now available to all Victorian Households;
  • A Sick Pay Guarantee, providing up to 38 hours of provides up to 38 hours of sick or carer's pay to Victorians in casual and insecure work;
  • Free Kinder for all Victorian three- and four-year-olds from next year, saving families up to $2,500 per child;
  • Free TAFE – allowing residents to choose from over seventy fully covered TAFE courses
  • Capping Council rates

I am also passionate about taking strong action on climate change and creating a fairer and more compassionate society that celebrates the wonderful diversity of our community.